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Thanks fer noticin' me .
Unbelievably I haven't been able to get to this for a while, I have been digging, and basically in incredible pain every night thereafter. I know, I know, I just have a little ADDD, but with the arthritis it really makes for an exciting evening, as the leg cramps are nearly fatal. I can just imagine myself finally getting out the knife and severing the muscles to release the freaking pain! But that's back to not funny. So moving on!
There comes a time in ones life, they say, when a re-evaluation is prudent. Other than the every morning systems check, I try to avoid much introspection, just leads to being not happy, I'm not going down that road, not for another 20 years if I can help it. So I'm generally happy as a clam, ignorance is bliss, And that's a concept I can get behind. Because I see so many politicians that are living down to my expectations... CRAP! Slid down that slope again! How about a quickie, just to get it out of my system, OKAY?. I have two boxes of rifle ammo from before the insanity. One is a box of 20 Federal (30-06) 180 grain rifle cartridges, the tag says it cost $7.37 from Kmart. Then there's the box of 50 Remington (45 caliber) 230 grain, that cost $10.49 from Woolworth's. That was before the department of homeland security bought 2BILLION rounds of ammo for machine guns and hand guns, to protect us from.... what? Oh yeah, to protect "our government" from a civilian takeover due to the incompetent leadership we are subjected to, to protect those in charge of the FatherLand. Okay it's out of my system now, just want you to keep an eye on what's really happening, in spite of what they tell you, the numbers and actions don't make any sense in regard to the claims they make. So the "smoke and mirrors rules" are in full effect.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Snidely Whiplash
is about to tie Sweet Nell to the railroad tracks, yet again. Rocky and Bullwinkle was a tremendous satire, Mr. Peabody and Sherman and the wayback machine a brilliant concept, and I know I received most of my exposure to classical music and opera from Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. What the hell do kids get from Sponge Bob? How about the automated house that Hubie and Bertie try to inhabit in "house hunting mice".
Can you imagine that today? Property damage, spousal abuse, explosives, exploitation of the worker? How did we ever grow up with such violence offered as entertainment? And that, driving, building, mesmerizing music to create mayhem by! What were they thinking? There were no machine guns, or drive by's or even turtles to kick to oblivion, and we turned out... well, I guess I can say OKAY to that. What a crock of whining, infuriating, drivel. Does anyone really think the Road Runner luring the Coyote into his own traps is actually damaging? Or that someone large enough to maneuver an anvil, wouldn't realize it would do more than turn their friend, or sibling, into an accordion version of their previous annoying self? No we have Sponge Bob and the Tinky Winkies.. No wonder we have plummeted in the race for world leadership, people will rise to the challenge, or sink to the levels set by the expectations of those around them. No wonder we have the current crop of failed leaders in our government. I blame warning labels and the rest of our Nanny Government meddling. But this line of thought could just eat up the rest of my day......
Too many things are happening to keep up, so I'll just start in the middle and work my way out to both ends. I had a brainstorm about the big backhoe attachment I bought a year ago, (and can't use because the pump in the tractor's hydraulics are too worn out, and the attachment pump, that drives off the PTO, is wrong for this application) but I have an answer! The rebuilt Bobcat! Whoo Hoo! Now, it does look a little silly, taking two machines, and tethering them together with hoses, both running at the same time. But it works! Well sorta... you see I never had enough power to make the backhoe function, so I didn't know about the leaks... Okay, I knew it was old and had cracked hoses, and I'm sure the cylinders aren't the originals, but geez, a half quart in about ten minutes, and literally 'spraying oil' when the actual leaker is called to perform, so that led me to have to remove the cylinder, and take it apart, and go to Dover Hydraulics to try to get parts and, well damn....... That's today's mission, and I gotta get going to get it done or I won't be able to finish this page.((trying something new, gonna 'blog' this sucker for a while, {real time updates} and see if I can keep up with the real time happiness we deal with.)) Well obviously that didn't work as it's mid June now and I have gotten a damn thing written, at least in the blog style. So it's back to what I know. The long rambling crazy pages that have so endeared you-all to me. That's not ya'll you realize it is YOU-ALL ha like that makes a hill of beans of difference, huh? So what's new. ANYWAYS>>>> THe neat thing is, the size of the bucket on the" LONG BACKHOE"( brand name) is such that a scoop full is a wheel barrow load, literally, each full bite is the size of a full size wheel barrow which makes digging go quick, but the down side is it piles up so quickly around the tractor that the bobcat has to be unhooked and used to move it away. Not a an efficient arrangement, in fact, pretty silly. But I'm sure the answer is just around the e corner, actually at the Northern Hydraulics warehouse there is a pump with my name on it and I expect it will make things much more efficient, and give another operational boost to my situation. Because the correct pump, should make things work as designed, and as many of these as I have found in used equipment lots, makes me think there were quite a few of them sold. So the digging continues, And ultimately we will be able to address the genius of those who are to build the garage.
Haven't been too impressed yet, because so far every step of the way has been a total screw up. Can't wait for the highly trained, and qualified crew, that will build it in 5 days start to finish. I'm guessing a ball cap and 5 flat hats in a pickup. This should be priceless. So far, they haven't been able to provide a drawing for the foundation in over 7 weeks. it took a month to get a contract that wasn't a scribbled mess of unreadable changes, and omissions, and errors, and, and, and. Not the most professional operation I've dealt with, but I am getting more incredibly incompetent experience as I go on.
Let me tell you about the bobcat rebuild, you know, after dumping it on it's side, and as I sit here writing this, I realize soon after that little fiasco, the engine failed. (I think it popped a piston, though I have been too busy to check the actual reason it failed, mostly due to having to continually run back and forth to Lake Street, to clean up after the latest break in, to check damage and document the damage and theft's perpetrated on me that the police take no action on, not even as a mild deterrent, no increased patrols, no accurate reports, nobody gives a shit, and it's just too bad you have a house being systematically stripped by the criminals in the neighborhood. And this continues, in my informed understanding of the circumstances the police officers face, because nobody in the judicial system is interested in doing their job.
Thus the young criminals find a blind eye, as they hone their skills as thieves and burglars and some day they will be shot by a wary homeowner and the outrage will be toward everyone but those who have failed to pursue these wayward children, and failed to try to explain how what they are doing, is wrong. Obviously their parents talking on their free Obama phones and watching the Obama network news are not interested in trying to train their children for any productive lives, one need only be able to cash that monthly check and get the food stamps to the store to be able to survive and nothing else , well it's there for the taking, as is the Obama way of the world today. Don't know why I would expect any difference. In fact, I finally decided to complete their theft of my wiring in the garage on Lake Street, they had cut all the wiring they could pull and run with, but I have a habit of stapling the romex where it goes in and out of the boxes and the EMT, if possible. Obviously they have no tools, as they seem to leave one behind at each theft. They cut a motorcycle up in the space between the box truck and the house, and left a saw. they stole the radiator out of my truck, and left a ratchet wrench, and they ripped the front off the metal shed, and left a hammer. Of course any of these items would easily have prints of the perpetrators but as Russell found when the crooks who stole the radio out of his truck left a screwdriver behind, the cop taking the report said "Akron hasn't EVER caught anyone with fingerprints, EVER, that's all that crime show stuff, your radio is gone, turn it in on your insurance". Pretty amazing isn't it? In fact, the cop they caught for killing his wife, and having I.D.ed his bite marks on her is now free due to DNA evidence to the contrary. So they couldn't catch a fly sitting on a donut by their incredible scientific expertise. At least that's what they claim. I can't dispute it as they aren't able to arrest the criminals that have been stripping my house even though the neighbors told them what houses they ran to, when chased home. Anyway, I went up and spent a day removing the remainder of the wiring and EMT from the garage, and the last two weekends, Roy and I, removed the large truck they had been stealing parts off of. And just to be complete they have stolen the electric meter and the copper pipes from the house along with the new furnace and the 4 replacement windows that hadn't been installed yet and new fixtures that were to be installed by who ever bought it. of course they are gone as are the tons of scrap metal and truck and car parts from the garage and the HP plotters that I had yet to bring down about a dozen small plotters, and one, a large commercial unit, I paid $1400.00 dollars for, and intended to use to make a computer controlled cutting table for my plasma torch. Yep, all stolen by the upstanding citizens, policed by the officers my tax dollars pay, and kept in line by the duly elected judges and Sheriff's forces of Akron Ohio. What a wonderful town to have been from. Meanwhile back to the Bobcat.
I was whining to Chris about the Bobcat's demise, lamenting that, "so soon after a total rebuild", and how I just couldn't justify another rebuild due to the time and cost and she said buy a new engine, Just like that . "Buy a new Engine!" Wow I was shocked, and intrigued, so I went to a website that promised a "complete kit just pull and put." and the machine would be back in service! And not only that, but it was from a guy with years of experience doing these kinds of "upgrades" of old machines. so what could go wrong?, I ask myself this question all the time, because, I live on NadaFarm. Well let me explain.
After I clicked on a site for a quote,( I actually asked three sites for quotes ),to each, I explained what the machine, what approximate vintage, it was, and I got a phone call, in about an hour! Nice sounding young man. "Ready to ship the kit!". All he needed to make this dream come true? Just give him my credit card info and it would be shipped, free of charge, and take "about a week" to get here." We do this all the time," he said, and sounded very confident. And he spoke American, was in PORTLAND OREGON and was ready to ship "TOMORROW!" Well who could resist? Really, "shipping tomorrow", and" doing this all the time" old hat to them, so do it, right? Well I did, and I began tracking it, it was coming Fed EX? Really? I figured some sort of freight operation would have it as an "also hauled" tucked under a pile of mowers for The BADGER dealer next door. But no, after a long weekend added a couple days to the shipment, (seems I always order things, to arrive on a holiday weekend, adding to the drama!) A white van pulled up, and the guy wanted to drop it in my driveway, at the rear door to the BIG house. I asked him to wait, while I put on my shoes, and "would he mind dropping it, at my garage?" He gave a worried look around and asked, how far away is THAT? I guess it's a good question, as so many people around here own diverse and distant properties. I told him, "Go to the bottom of the drive and turn left, and I'll meet you at the first building on the left." He was hesitant, but seeing me start walking the other direction, he must have decided it couldn't be too far, and he actually beat me there by about 20 seconds, because he had the rear door already open, and there was a fairly good sized box. I was going to offer to get the Kubota and we could use the bucket to get it out, and he said " Hey, grab a side, will ya?" I did and we easily removed the box I signed his tablet and he was well on his way before I could even check the "kit" out. You know how they always say "check the outside of the package, and the contents, for damage and inform the driver, well he was "surely in another county" by the time I got the box open.
Fortunately there was no damage, I just think it's ironic that the first step in reporting damage or missing components is a guy who isn't going to get home tonight at all if he sticks around for such goings on. Well it was okay, sorta sparse, from first glance, but nothing damaged. So I set right in, it was about 9 a.m. when I opened the rear door of the Bobcat to begin. I had the engine out and on a cart, in just over an hour. It took a little while to remove the "old drive coupling half" from the pump. But I didn't ruin anything, didn't even break my puller, "though it seemed likely at a couple points." I pulled the new coupling from the "kit" and that's when the first sign of trouble showed it's ugly head, (It's a lovejoy coupling). Yep, the first piece was machined wrong! ( I would take an hour here, and explain how I think the error occurred, but some people don't get the thrill out of it that I do. So, let's suffice it to say, I needed to removed .012" of material on a taper, and properly key it to the shaft of the pump.) As this was the very first piece of the kit I needed to use. Now, you might, (knowing me for more than a New York minute) think that I am going to begin to be critical of the kit from this point forward, "We do this all the time" started to reverberate in my ears, along with the usual shrill screaming, that inhabits my head all the time anyway. But I decided to follow the three pages of extensive instructions, (the first of which, is the standard disclaimer of safety suggestions that are required of anyone selling to the moronic public, which will "stick a screwdriver in their eye" if not cautioned against it!) and see what happens. Well, by the end of the first day, the quicky kit not withstanding, I was not in a good mood. In fact, I was compelled to write a little missive, to the 50+ year experienced, and unlimited resourced, Dick who sold me this magnificent engine replacement kit. And to offer a couple suggestions of what might improve his approach. Here's my letter, and his considered response.
Ahhh, where to begin???
I actually began by killing the tiny spiders that came in the engine box. I hope they are not an invasive species and I got them all. Then I pulled the manual and parts bags and laid them out on the table I had placed for the exchange. (I would call it an upgrade, buuutttt, we'll get to that.) I was surprised so much was to be done with so little. But good engineering can be amazing. I thought I should tell you that, since it's probably news to you. However, just knowing "that you are there for me every step of the way" is so heartening. But I digress. The unit arrived around 9am on Monday. At 10:00 I started removing the engine from the Bobcat, it took about an hour.
HIS response is in this color.
I read the extensive instructions—all three pages—and noted the "possible need to move the hydraulic oil cooler" in number 5 on page one, sort of thrown in as an afterthought, because it certainly wasn't mentioned anywhere else. (The shovel in the picture below was to removed the grease-soaked dirt, and leaves, and such, that accumulate in units used on farms and live outdoors.) Our entire instruction database is being reviewed presently. I will forward this comment for inclusion in the appropriate applications. Do you have a suggestion as to how to make this instruction more user friendly/acceptable?
I spent an hour cleaning all the parts, and the compartment and removing the large industrial air cleaner that has served so well for the last 40 years. While doing so I was hopeful that the oil cooler radiator would not, in fact, need to be moved. Your directions saying, "May need" seemed a hopeful phrase. I felt it would be easier to connect the adapter (bell housing) to the pump first and the engine second. That was a really good decision, since it would have been impossible to accomplish otherwise. It was nearly impossible to get my hands back behind the mounting plate to bolt to the {bell housing} in any other manner. I will forward this for inclusion in the instructions as well.
As I struggled with this seemingly simple maneuver, I kept looking at the "seal" of the pump bearing behind the original gear driver. This was always immersed in oil and protected in the original design. I can't imagine it will fare well, exposed as it will be to the crud that this machine functions in. It's a Bobcat, remember! I really can’t imagine a scenario where this seal will be threatened. With the amount of oil present as described, I would probably replace it, just because. Keep in mind that the pump operates under pressure so migration of pollutants into the pump would be very unlikely.
Are you sure this is "a well engineered" replacement? I am assuming now that some one with an "engineering interest" has given some thought to this installation, but I am beginning to wonder. I then removed the drive gear from the pump shaft, no small feat I might add, and attempted to replace it with the supplied coupling half. I say attempted because it didn't fit! Ahhh, the challenge. You’ve hit the nail on the head here. When the Bobcat was built, Melroe designed the machine around the engine and other components. When Repower designs a kit, it must change the current new engine configuration to one that fits into the existing “box”. This is a bit harder to accomplish. Occasionally “well engineered” means, well, an educated guess based on experience with, in this case, Bobcat. The fact is that Bobcats have changed over the years. All of our experience will never document all the changes along the way. The oil cooler is an example of this. In some cases, it must be relocated.
The taper was wrong and the key way was straight rather than matching the tapered key way in the shaft. (In other words, IT DIDN'T MATCH AT ALL!)
I still can't figure out how it was cut improperly?? Oh, the finish was very nice, the original washer and flat head bolt fit very nicely, but the angles and technical issues were totally screwed up. I am a machinist, a real machinist, the kind they don't produce anymore, obviously. I re bored the taper to the correct dimensions—removed .0125 at one end of taper and tapered the key way to accept the original key—a full, square, key. I also installed a second, "safety" set screw. Not that it should ever be needed, but, hey, I was already there. Without having the part back, I really have no clue why it wasn’t “right” from the beginning. We guarantee that the part will be there and fit. If it is not or does not, we will provide it at no additional cost to you. This is a perfect example of why we provide this warranty. As mentioned above, this Repowering thing is not an exact science. Over the years, we have attempted to approach “perfect” but, the fact is, there is no such thing as perfect.
The next obvious item was the bolt heads from the original engines mounting. They are so ridiculously close to the vertical walls of the new mount, a socket won't fit, not even a thin-wall Sears socket. That was a royal pain in the ass. These parts are always presenting challenges. The flywheel adaptor for Honda is a perfect example of this. Honda uses a three bolt pattern. Most existing bolt patterns are four. The bolt circles are similar. We actually have to turn down the heads on M8 SHCS in order to get a zero clearance on a 5/16ths bolt.
Onwards and upwards. What the hell is the finned box with the green plug? This is the regulator/Rectifier. It may be mounted anywhere.
It matches the green plug on the engine which also matches the plug in the machine's original wiring harness. At one point your directions say that if it matches the machine's original plug, just plug it in and you are good to go. That is correct.
But I'm betting that is crap, as it then goes through a long process of splicing! Splice in hot wire. Splice in ignition wire. Splice in starter activator wire. Add white wire from some sort of unnamed sensor, (OIL?)
It would have been nice if you'd added a new set of battery cables, or a couple rolls of wire for all these splices. The trailer hot-wire splice kit is a nice touch, though I usually use a VOM when doing electrical work, I did use the high tech "light in a spike" provided. Apparently you have received your engine with the new single wire harness. If so, then green plug plugs into the green plug. On the top of the engine, there is a single green wire including the pigtail for connecting it. This is the ignition wire. It connects to the old ignition wire, the one corresponding to the wire that went to the ignition coil of the obsolete engine. This wire is hot in the on and start positions of the key switch. If you have a panel light for oil pressure, the white wire goes there, otherwise ignore it. The blue wire goes to the trigger wire of the old starter solenoid (crimp it on there).
I am going to run the new control cables tomorrow, as it got dark on my second day of "just bolt in" installation.
(What the hell is the finned box?! Do I need it? It is never shown anywhere and no mention is made of it. I'm guessing it is important, though it looks like it could plug into a couple places with varying degrees of sparks and smoke?) As I was supposed to just plug the green engine plug into the wiring harness of the bobcat, and then cut everything off the plug and splice it to the "too short" provided cables on the engine, I'm not enjoying this wonderful experience. Glad you are there with me all the way through this process.
I overcame the lack of wire, the lack of clearances, and the lack of machinist's precision, to arrive at the "need to move the whole rear door" issue.
How the hell am I supposed to move the radiator up the rear door? First there is the issue of a 40 year old radiator that I'd rather not start wrenching on, then the fact that if it moves up the door, even an inch, the hoses will no longer clear so the door can close.
Not to mention the radiator is centered in a cut out area of louvers in 1/8th inch steel that I certainly can't reproduce without doing some damage to the radiator in attempting it. I am not sure what the answer is to this question. I have never had the question before. If you would like to send a few more pictures we can address this issue. As I mentioned above, if additional parts are required, we will provide them at no charge to you.
And what is the finned box, still no mention of that? Then there's the oil drain method offered, from Honda of all places!
For god's sake, the 40 year old Kohler at least had a pipe to drain the oil outside the freaking machine. That could be included in this extensive kit, to make it at least as convenient as the original. An elbow a pipe and a cap—what, $15.00? As I can supposedly buy this engine for $1900 new, (though now that I think about it, I bet you get it cheaper still. ) a "bell housing" should be about $30.00, the lift plate was a robbery at $20.00, the KillJoy coupling should be about $25.00 in quantity, $3.00 for the trailer splice kit, at the Dollar store. The choke and throttle cables, about $20.00 in quantity again. We are fast approaching $2020.00 An oil drain hose is available (at no additional charge). How long would you like it to be?
And lastly (maybe) the engineering that has gone in to the exhaust pipe routing and extension is without equal in the annals of mechanics everywhere. Let's just consider the compass points as directions for a moment. If the 4 inch 90 degree elbow, which comes nowhere near answering even the most basic of needs of exhaust routing, is placed facing the rear or east while looking at it, it dumps the exhaust in the compartment with the engine and directly on the current position of the inlet to the hydraulics radiator, and the rubber hose.
Not an ideal situation unless you like to die in flames, assuming the door could close, which it can't of course, due to the engine being too far backward in the chassis.
If we point it up, or north, the force of the exhaust could carry some of the heat out of the compartment, ( we could be lucky) though it will have to travel by that exhaust pumped force and the force of convection. Of course the first significant rain will fill the muffler, and I feel safe in assuming that soon at least one, if not both, of the cylinders will also fill with rain water. SO I would try to avoid that. Facing the 90 elbow to the south and west would just fill the compartment with heat, cook the battery (south facing) or burn the paint off the wall (west facing) that holds the oil supply tank. None of which I can recommend for an air cooled engine, particularly one that will be getting its air intake from this environment.
It may be apparent by this point that I am not greatly impressed with the engineering efforts that went into this "all inclusive kit." Also not impressed with its paperwork, and truly wonder at your claim that you have done more than one of these upgrades. We have, indeed, provided many of these upgrade kits for Bobcat, most without issue. This is not the case for you. I am sorry for that. What exhaust parts can I provide to make your installation as you wish it to be?
But I could be won over. First, what the hell is the finned box and why is it unmarked, and un-described, in the accompanying literature? No picture for us old guys who don't have anything this new? Could it be a box to control the engine's operation? A computer of sorts? Will it matter if I weld on the rear door to implement the yet to be revealed amazing changes you are going to direct me toward accomplishing the magic of the door fitting again?? Should it be on a sheet of silicone film for heat dissipation, or maybe positively grounded, as it may be on rust right here? The box is grounded through the harness. It is addressed in the Honda Owner’s Manual.
And why the chintzy throttle? Why not an adapter that works off the original nice heavy-duty plate steel handle and 1/8th inch steel rod, that has worked without fail for 40 years? I see a one-year life span before this sucker rusts tight and fails to move. It's a cable for a damn lawnmower, not a Bobcat! We can provide an adaptor to your linkage. Please advise exactly what you want for this purpose. And is there a governor of some type on the engine? Yes. This engine is governed at 3600 RPM. Obviously I haven't been able to start and run it yet, so I'm curious as to how it governs itself. Please enjoy the embedded photos as much as I did, trying to get them to express my situation. Unfortunately, I had squashed all the spiders, before I realized I would be documenting so many little issues, therefore I can't offer the information to the local extension office to see if any escapees will become a nuisance.
To recap, the kit is missing these parts:
1> A one foot section of 1/4 inch rubber fuel line, to attach the filter to the original fuel line, it was steel from tank to carb in the original, a fire safety feature I'm sure I will miss. Agreed.
2> A set of new hot and ground battery cables, 30 inches should be plenty, with one end affixed and the other end installer completed. We rarely provide “wear items”. I can do this but would you be able to tell me if this is because you need new cables or if it is a fitment issue of some sort?
3> A seal plate or cover for the seal in the rear of the pump to continue to protect it. And a handful of the rubber spiders for the Lovejoy, I'm guessing about a two week lifespan in my normal conditions. How about a completely shielded unit for the bell housing, make it an actual enclosure. Dzus fastener plates?... No on the plate, no on the spiders. The plate is not necessary, in my opinion of course. The spiders function quite well as spec’d and are warranted by Lovejoy and us as well. If you have a failure, we’ll replace it. There is a Lovejoy Hytrel spider available if you would like it. They are more dense and rated for much higher HP. The down side is they do not absorb as much impact as the black ones. The Hytrel spider is available from almost any bearing house, Grainger, etc. You’ll want the one for the Lo99/L100 series lovejoy.
4> A reasonable exhaust arrangement, i mean seriously! Send your list of parts. Within reason, we will supply them.
5> A set of door offset brackets, or at least a pair of 90 couplings to aid in lowering the silhouette of the hydraulic lines, AND A NOTICE "IT WILL NEED TO BE DONE" BEFORE sending the "oh and by the way we have no idea how to do this, but our engineer is sure you will figure it out." Please let me know the specs on the elbows. These can be provided.
6> An adapter from the original throttle rod (and the choke rod for that matter,) within the engine compartment to the engine. Let me know what you need. The Honda is designed for cables. That is why the cables were included. I can assure you that cables are used in many many of the commercial equipment applications I am familiar with.
7> A roll of wire loom to collect all the spiced wires into an group. How about a matched set of plug ends, (8 connectors) about 2 feet of colored wires installed, so all the connections aren't trailer crimps and the engine can be removed by unplugging one connector, like it was designed 40 years ago. Please see the note above on connecting the engine.
The directions fail to mention: a clear identity and mounting of whatever the finned box is. I'm still guessing. See above.
If you have any actual suggestions, of how the hundreds of these you did in the past were accomplished, or any ideas for this, your first, feel free to respond. I eagerly await "you're being right there with me" on this.
Ray, obviously you are not satisfied with your experience with Repower Specialists, Ltd. I really am sorry for that. Our kits do not jump out of the box and into your machine. We are there for you when you request our help. We provide parts as required to insure the correct operation of the engine within your machine at no additional cost to you. We have unlimited tech support for you to utilize as you install the product. Clearly this has not been adequate in this case.
I would like to suggest that you box up the engine with kit and return it to us. Upon receipt of the undamaged, unused engine and kit, we will issue a refund of its purchase price.
Ray McCune.
The Chores, Fresh Air, Green Acres is for ME.
The happy Nada Farmer, 'Bloggin it' for trial period, as if I ever could do something on a regular basis, consistently, and with accuracy... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. (Spell check will have to wait.) Well that was a total fail, so back to the regular, sorta, bi-monthly format. And the Bobcat saga will continue next issue, sooner than you might imagine......
Keep coming back, page Sixty One follows......soon.